hello everyone,  I will show you how can you design this kind of logo inPhotoshop this really a good looking logo design sometimes this kind of logocatch everyone eye and make an impression with your own image so Idecided to make a tutorial to create this kind of logo in Photoshopif you make this logo with your own image it's going to look awesome 
 nowwe are here in the magical world of Photoshop I have already downloaded twoimages for today's project first go to file create a new document take 1920 by 1080 P sighs keepresolution 300 and keep all the setting default as like mine and click to createto create this slow go design we need to design this I have already designed itbecause it's taken so much time to make so that why I already created it you canalso design as you like but if you want this design I will put the link todownload the design PNG and also PSD format file you can use it to createyour own logo design next go to the model image we need to select the modelgo to toolbar take quick selection select the model properly you now we need to refine the edges select and masking before click in herepress shift on your keyboard and then click it will come up older refine edgesin CC version now refine the edges you select the output as a layer mask andokay take the model image and paste into thedesign document the image size is too big press ctrl or command + T on yourkeyboard and resize the image you hit okay invisible Delayergo to the toolbar and tick pen tool make a path like that you press control or command then enter itselection now visible the model image layergo to the toolbar take brush tool choose a soft brushincrease the hardness around 50% make sure the foreground color intoblack and remove press control or comed to deselect adjust the image go to the texture image layertake the image and paste it here press ctrl orand adjust the size now change the blending mood intolightin we need to make some adjustments to this image because you can see thisimage texture affected on the model face we need to remove those areas go to thetoolbar take brush tool select the first layer and apply a layer mask make surethe foreground color is black now remove the unwanted area you we make all the adjustment for ourdesign now we need to fixed overall color in this design go to theadjustment layer take vibrance increase the vibrance and also thesaturation go to the adjustment layer againtake carve adjustment increase the highlight decrease the shadow to givecontrast if I go closer you can see the effect ofthe adjustments also affected to the model face and it's not looking good tofix this we need to clipping masks these adjustments into the texture imageselect the adjustment you can see the icon you can press it here or if youdon't find it here press alt or option in your keyboard come to the middle ofthis two layer and press it will create a clipping mask also create clippingmask the curve adjustment layer go to the adjustment layer take brightness andcontrast increase the brightness and also thecontrast it's okay press control or command +and make the design bigger we created our design next we are goingto create a vignette to this image to create the vignette first press Shift +ctrl + Alt + E and if you are using Mac you need to press Shift + command +option + e to merge all the layer into one layer create a new blank layer go toedit fill and fill it with black go to the toolbar take brush toolincrease the opacity 100% take soft brush make sure hardness 0% now create the vignette you that's okaygo to image up imagesremain all the set default and check the invertokay we are done we create our logo doesto shop now we just created our design andPhotoshop this is really a good-looking design you can use my designor you can create your own put your image and make some color adjustmentit's going to look awesome I try to make this tutorial short so I already createdthe design but you can also use any kind of design you like this is really asimple tutorial for beginners I hope that you liked this tutorial if you likethis tutorial you can also check out my other tutorials I hope you will like andtell me your valuable word in the comment section belowleave a like and subscribe if you didn't yet you can also follow me on FacebookTwitter Instagram so see you in my next tutorial till then bye and the mostimportant thing keep learning you